Originally published in the Business Excellence Australia Newsletter
Since its inception in 1987, thousands of organisations across Australia have utilised the Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF) to sustain high levels of performance. Through the completion of an ABEF self-assessment, organisations can take a pulse check of where they currently stand against the categories and items of the ABEF.
In an environment where organisations have multiple competing priorities, the ABEF provides guidance to help prioritise which actions will make the biggest difference.
In a fast-paced world where agility is essential, streamlining the ABEF self-assessment process through digitisation, reduces the large commitment of resources that were once required.
Thrive35’s Excellence Manager powered by AskYourTeam’s organisational improvement platform allows organisations to digitise the self-assessment process and manage it internally – reducing the reliance on external consultants and teams. Excellence Manager enables broader participation, minimal resource requirements, calibrated assessments, AI driven reporting and analysis, plus speedier outcomes leading to faster ROI.
Pioneering as industry leaders in Local Government, Inner West Council in NSW, used Excellence Manager to provide a baseline for prioritising the service review program for Council.
Senior Manager of Customer Experience and Service Transformation, Melanie Gurney, says
“We used the self-assessment survey tool to provide the opportunity for our people to give free text comments on the key strengths and opportunities within each of the seven categories of the ABEF.
“Having access to a survey instrument like Excellence Manager, which already has the self-assessment built in, made this a very easy process to administer as it required minimal tweaking and moderation of the questions to ensure applicability for Inner West Council.
“The Excellence Manager tool is really sexy because it provides the text analysis, a report of the highest and lowest scores, pinpoints the areas of focus, and provides follow up in the review process.
“At the end of the self-assessment, we had at a click of a radio button, access to a comprehensive analysed report of the results which we could get in Excel, PDF or PowerPoint as it suited us.
It allowed us to really hone in on the things that are important for us to look at.”